It's okay
This isn’t a typical blogpost for me, but I felt like writing it and reflecting on my experience with rpgs. Image generated with Midjourney. It’s okay to have a mediocre game session. They happen for a variety of reasons. Overall, experiencing those will let you appreciate the better sessions later, and it might prompt some thinking about how to improve your methods. It’s okay if a group silently dissolves. Life happens. People get new jobs, children or have to move, etc. Having a group that lasts forever is probably great, but to me it seems like a unicorn more than anything else. Similarly, it’s okay if a player quits the group. Don’t blame anyone. It’s better that the person figures out what they really want to do. It’s okay to change what you like. Sometimes that means moving back and forth between systems. I don’t think there ever will be a One True Solution. Just play what you want to play. It’s okay to get tired of running a specific campaign, and it’s also okay to end it when t...