
Showing posts from September, 2018

Bottles for Knaves

Everybody loves a bottle or two. If you've played the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, you know just how versatile bottles are. Naturally, after using the content in the bottle, you now have a bottle which can be used again! How handy! If you want to put a random bottle in your Knave game, roll a d12 and see what happens: Bottle of Cold Milk  has drinkable milk inside, which restores d4 hit points when imbibed. Bottle of Confetti  is, well, filled with confetti. Instant party or ruined day!  Bottle of Cold Mud  if applied to a PC will grant advantage when attempting to hide from Lizard People. Bottle of Really Angry Bees  When released, they deal 1 damage to anything inside a 10 feet area where they are released - they disperse after d4 rounds. After a day inside a bottle, the bees asphyxiate.  Bottle of Honey  holds delicious content that gives advantage on Charisma saving throws when attempting to befriend bears or really angry bees....

Stories from Moros

This is a story from my sci-fi setting. It's set some centuries into the future, where the colonisation effort of the solar system Nyx went horribly wrong. People struggle to survive, massive community-vehicles roam the deserts and starving cities fall under the yoke of fascists. The series follows a bunch of different characters. This story was previously posted on my Prose page .  Mac I.  The sun descended, lazily gliding towards the westward mountains. Bright yellow dunes and a sapphire blue sky slowly turned to a velvety red. Darkness welled above, while radiant Nyx cast a passing twilight. Mac stared from the aft gun post. A long, sleek heavy machine gun loomed over him, its barrel hanging over the edge of the kevlar-covered parapet. Him and two other monteros were preparing for an eight-hour watch. Down below, a lazy trail of sand clouds rose from massive freighter wheels. The rolling monstrosities of rubber big enough to crush ten men standing abreast. The slopes ...

The Sea of Knaves

I have been enjoying Ben Milton's Knave for a little while now, and I have been preparing some ideas for a wavecrawl or "saltbox" experience. For that purpose, I have written up some rules for a ship in the age of sail era. They are inspired by a mix of Kevin Crawford's Stars Without Number starship rules and a variety of naval wargames rules. At the moment, the rules I have written are about as expansive as Knave's rules. Link to the Rules I've opened the rules for comments and suggestions, if anyone has anything to say about them. While the rules cover encounters fairly well, I think, I want to add things like random ship generation, some goods and ports rules and maybe even crew advancement rules.